Pastor Edward Taylor
Preacher, teacher, evangelist, worshipper, counselor, pastor and father.
He is God’s anointed servant who desires to be a living epistle glorifying our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Pastor Edward Taylor was born, reared and educated in Jackson, MS.
Not knowing the Lord’s mandate on his life, he fell into drug addiction. After the set time had come, the Lord Jesus delivered him from the grips of this addiction. Pastor Edward Taylor took off the old man and let the new man come forth. After accepting his call to the ministry in 1993, he was licensed as a minister in 1997 while serving under Supt. Marcus L. Butler, Pastor of the Amazing Institutional Church of God In Christ in Jackson, Mississippi.

From there, God ordered his steps to Texas where he initially served under Pastor Joe Starks at Shady Gove Church of God in Christ in Irving, Texas until 2004 when the Lord transitioned him to Deliverance Chapel Church of God in Christ in Dallas, Texas. After delivering many power packed sermons, he was ordained an Elder by the late Bishop J. Neaul Haynes, Texas Northeast First Jurisdictional Prelate in 2006. After many years of serving the late Supt. Elijah Kelley Jr., he was elevated to the office of Pastor. He founded El Shaddai Temple Church of God in Christ in Dallas, Texas in August 2011 where he began training and reaching many souls for God’s glory. In 2017, after the homegoing of the Late Superintendent Elijah Kelley, Jr., Pastor Taylor was appointed as the pastor and leader of Deliverance Chapel Church of God In Christ.
Wearing many hats and having many abilities, Pastor Edward Taylor has worked in the capacities of Sunday School Superintendent, YPWW President, and New Members Orientation Instructor. Currently he serves as the President for the Texas Northeast Fourth Jurisdictional Evangelistic Department under the leadership of Bishop Nathiel Wells, Jurisdictional Prelate, District Secretary of the Elijah Kelley Memorial District, and National Adjutant. He is also well known for his Annual Soul saving Tent Revivals.
Pastor Edward Taylor is also a dedicated husband, father and a proud grandfather. He and Elect Lady Tangela Taylor have five lovely children and three grandchildren.
Pastor Edward Taylor has a wealth of knowledge, God given wisdom and is thoroughly seasoned in the Holy Ghost. He is passionate about soul winning and he ignites the atmosphere with a prophetic word and delivers what “thus saith the Lord” even when it’s not popular. Most of all, Pastor Edward Taylor still has a zeal for God’s work and is excited about what God is doing in his life. The future looks bright as he continues to “Walk by Faith, not by Sight”!

First Lady Tangela Taylor
Known for her beautiful smile, Elect Lady Tangela Taylor serves alongside her husband,
Pastor Edward Taylor at Deliverance Chapel Church of God in Christ in Dallas, Texas.
She strives to please God in every area of her life and she is devoted to encouraging the people of God to be all God has called them to be. She reassures those she touches that there is "no good thing" God will withhold from those that serve HIM.
Elect Lady Tangela Taylor takes pride in serving the body of Chris and she especially takes great delight in motivating and propelling the youth to their next level. Whether she’s giving big hugs or inspiring the youth to serve God while they are young, they hold a special place in her heart and it shows.
At the young age of sixteen, her biological mother passed away suddenly forcing her to lean on God and on HIM alone. Through this traumatic experience the enemy tried to destroy her but God preserved her for something greater than she could ever imagine.
Today, she values life to its fullest while honoring God who has given her the victory. She knows it took the miraculous power of God to save her so she serves God with everything that's within her.
As CEO of Citywide Financial Services, she is well seasoned in business as well. As an insurance agent, tax professional and financial planner, she takes much pride in doing business with a spirit of excellence. That same spirit is exercised in ministry as Elect Lady Taylor has implemented new ideas and practices to ensure the church continues to move forward with her leader’s vision.
She is faithful, strives for perfection and desires to be a "good steward" over everything God has blessed her and her family with. She and Pastor Edward Taylor have been married for many, many years and are blessed with five wonderful children and three beautiful grandchildren.
She is excited about what God is doing and she knows without a shadow of doubt, the favor of God is upon her life and her BEST days are yet to come!